Make The GOP Great Again

Lance Browning
3 min readApr 8, 2021


“You will never Make America Great Again without God.”

Lance Browning

Immediately after the 2020 Election, there was conflict amongst Republicans. Some accepted the 2020 Election Results as “accurate” and dismissed challenges, while others responsibly expressed that the Constitutional Pathway to challenging Election Results needed to be exercised. Now, Joe Biden is President, and members of the GOP are not taking necessary action to fix the real problem. The Real Problem is simple — there are way too many sellouts in our Party. RINOs have an extensive presence in our Party. It has been like this for a while. Nevertheless, it needs to stop.

What if the GOP was a Party that represented Evangelical Christians? What if we were united? Yes, it seems like a dream, but what if it were reality? In this post, I am laying out (3) Simple Steps that must be taken to Make The GOP Great Again.

First of all, there should be an understanding that the Bible is the Word of God, and its’ text applies in full today. I see many people misconstruing Biblical Text, and that is abominable. One social issue that needs to be settled is abortion. Abortion is obviously against the Word of God. Nevertheless, some GOP Public Office Holders(Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, to name a few) are pro-choice. The stance of the “new” GOP should be simple — If you support the murder of innocent children, you will be kicked out of our Party. The Word is also very straightforward on many other issues. Take the Word, and judge those in this Party by what it says.

Second of all, there should be a united front on issues. One thing I admire(not necessarily in a good way) about Democrats is that they have their base platform that they all go off of. Yes, they break once they get to a certain point, but they are very united. We should be like that — but even more so. ReformUSA has laid out a very straightforward platform that should not be controversial. It is based on the Word of God, and will ignite America once again. We need to adopt something very similar as a WHOLE and go forward making change. One more thing, we have to be unified permanently — no more Civil Wars. Once we kick out those who are not with us, they cannot come back in.

Lastly, we need to go forward in victory. We have to get out there and get on the ground. We did not do that to a large extent until 2020. Do it every year. That is why Democrats are successful. They know how to manipulate people. Instead of manipulation, we need to be convincing. It is that simple.

It is all interconnected. We cannot do just one of these things. If we do not do all three, the GOP is nonexistent. You may like these things, but you may say, “How do we get there”? We have to deprive the GOP of their resources until they change. I strongly support what President Trump is doing by encouraging donations to his PAC and not the RNC. It is genius. Do not volunteer with the National or even your State GOP — get involved with organizations like ReformUSA, Save America(if and when that is an option), organizations that are not backstabbers. If we do this, we can force the GOP to change.

I will tell you what I am going to do. As for my organization and myself, we will not bend or break to the RNC. We will push on and Make The GOP Great Again and then Make America Godly Again. If you get on board, we can achieve the impossible dream.

