Lance Browning
2 min readDec 6, 2020

In 2018, an idea called Socialism became a popular topic in American Society. It began to interest the American People, who elected self-proclaimed Socialists to the United States House of Representatives. The Message “Free Healthcare, Free College, and No Coal” appealed to the Millennials.

Socialism is a failed experiment. Venezuela was a thriving country until 1998 when Hugo Chavez was elected President. Chavez oversaw the rewriting of the Country’s Constitution and higher oil prices. Chavez passed laws redistributing land and wealth, which he followed in 2005 with a land reform decree that would eliminate larger estates to the poor’s benefit in rural areas. In 2007, the government took total control of oil projects in the Orinoco Delta, furthering Chavez’s nationalization plans. The original messaging of Socialism in Venezuela is very similar to the messaging here in the United States.

Now, in 2020, we are faced with the reality of Socialism. The Democrats rigged the 2020 Election and have forced the two Georgia Senate Races into runoffs. Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue now face Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock on January 5. Ossoff and Warnock will undoubtedly vote for The Green New Deal, Medicare For All, and many more Socialist Proposals. If they win the 2 Senate Seats, and Kamala Harris is Vice President, the Democrats have a 51 – 50 Majority.

The reality is, if we do not save the Senate, Socialism is a guarantee. Granted, if President Trump pulls off a win, Mike Pence will be Vice President, giving Republicans a majority. Nevertheless, we have 3 Senators (Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, and Lisa Murkowski) who side with Democrats more than they do the GOP. That is why we must win the 2 Senate Seats.

Socialism will destroy this Country. We cannot let the Democrats pull off a win in Georgia and force our Nation into a period of radical change it will not come out of for years. We have to stand up and reject this attempt to destroy our Country, RIGHT NOW. We cannot wait. We must act now or run the risk of losing our Nation.